- Web GIS Design, Implementation and Hosting for the Town of Stephenville, NL (pop: approx 7,000). This is a log-in site for the Town's internal use. This project included a major data conversion component to re-structure multiple existing Town data assets. (2018 - on-going).
- Designed and implemented a Document Management System for the Town of Labrador City, NL with a document repository linked and accessible through the Town's Web GIS (also provided by EITNL). Documents comprise a wide variety of property-related items including Building Permits, Inspection Reports, various Correspondence, Survey Plans, Property Descriptions, etc. Later implemented for the Town of Clarenville and the Town of Stephenville also. (2015 - on-going).
- Web GIS Design, Implementation and Hosting for the Town of Clarenville, NL (pop: approx 6,500). This is a log-in site for the Town's internal use. This project in partnership with Control Surveys Limited of Clarenville, NL. (2015 - on-going).
- Web GIS Design, Implementation and Hosting for the Town of Hampton, New Brunswick (pop: approx 4,500). This is a log-in site for the Town's internal use. This project in partnership with Hughes Surveys and Consultants Inc. of Saint John, NB. (2015 - on-going).
- Augmented the Town of Conception Bay South, NL GIS with business location mapping and implementation of bi-directional linkages between the Town's web-based Business Directory and the Town's web-based GIS (hosted by EITNL). This comprises approximately 600 businesses. This project in partnership with Geo-Matics Services Ltd. of Conception Bay South, NL. (2014 - 2018).
- Development and hosting of a web-based data collection application and other web tools for Oceans Learning Partnership (OLP) olp.oceansnl.net in support of their "Coastal Explorers" program - a field program that exposes high school students to hands-on ocean science activities. (2013 - 2015).
- Development and hosting of a website for "Integrated Coastal and Oceans Management, Newfoundland and Labrador" - icomnl.ca. Under the direction of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ecosystems Management Branch, St. John's and the NL Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture. (2014 - 2019).
- Web GIS Implementation for the Town of Labrador City, NL; including system design, database design, data re-structuring, AutoCAD/GIS specifications and training. EITNL also hosts the Labrador City GIS websites; comprising restricted login and public (www.LabCityMaps.ca) sites for computers and mobile devices. (2013 - on-going).
- Website development and consultation for the expansion of SmartBay.ca for several new buoy sites in Newfoundland, Halifax, NS and Saint John, NB; now known as www.SmartAtlantic.ca. SmartAtlantic also added new shore/tide stations at several NL locations. Continuing our partnership with the Marine Institute of Memorial University. (2013 - 2014).
- Implementation and hosting of a Web-based Municipal GIS for the Village of New Maryland, New Brunswick (pop: approx 4,500). This is an internal-use system with secure log-in. EITNL partnered with Opus International of Fredericton, NB on this project. (2012 - 2023).
- Lead Developer on a website application development (PHP) project to aid external maintenance contractors in assessing and rating severity of highway pavement distress for the British Columbia Ministry of Transport. The application includes photographs, descriptive materials and a variety of self-tests. EITNL partnered with Project Lead Opus International of Fredericton, NB on this project. (2012).
- Development of a web-based application to track ships in Placentia Bay, NL. The application processes signals broadcast by the ships’ AIS (“Automatic Identification System”) to display vessel locations on a dynamic map / GIS along with a variety of ship-status information in real-time. Continuing our SmartBay development. (2011).
- Development and hosting of a website for the Placentia Bay / Grand Banks Large Ocean Management Area (PB/GB LOMA). Worked closely with DFO, Ecosystems Management Branch, St. John's to develop site content. In partnership with the Marine Institute. This site was later replaced by www.icomnl.ca, also an EITNL project. (2011 - 2014).
- Implemented Ver. 2 of the Newfoundland and Labrador Seabed Atlas website, continuing work on the original Atlas which was initiated in 2006 and developed by EITNL in 2007, with subsequent maintenance. Ver. 2 added a number of new mapping tools and many new layers of information. www.seabed-atlas-nl.ca. Also development of a similar secure-access site (with private content) for the Association of Seafood Producers (ASP). In collaboration with MI School of Ocean Technology. (2011 - 2015).
- As a follow-on project from our 2009 work, EITNL again partnered with Opus International to develop and improve data processes and tools to enhance efficiency of the NAVTEQ "Discover Cities" pre and post data collection work-flow. This involved significant process analysis and component programming using VBA, Python and ESRI ArcObjects for an ESRI ArcGIS environment. Client: NAVTEQ. (2010).
- Development of a web-based GIS application to track and map fishing vessels and related information in near real-time. In partnership with the Marine Institute. Client: Ocean Choice International (OCI). (2010).
- Development of a public access municipal Web GIS application for the Town of Gander, NL. On-going provision of Web GIS application services from EITNL's GIS servers. (2010 - 2022).
- Lead Consultant on a project to review hardware, software and procedures used for the "Discover Cities" GIS data collection system used by NAVTEQ for world-wide field operations. NAVTEQ is a world leader in the provision of map data and content, such as for in-vehicle navigation systems. "Discover Cities" is an ESRI ArcPad application for GPS-enabled Windows Mobile devices such as hand-held PDAs. In partnership with Opus International of Fredericton, NB. (2009).
- Enhancements to the SmartBay.ca ocean observing system to enable OGC-Compliant Sensor Observation Services (SOS) for the SmartBay buoys. Incorporation of these buoy observation services into the OPENIOOS.ORG Integrated Ocean Observing System testbed. Updated these services in 2011. Now integrated in NERACOOS.ORG website (Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems). www.neracoos.org. (2009 - 2014).
- Development of an internal-use municipal Web GIS application, requiring secure login, for the Town of Gander, NL (pop: approx 10,000). Using MapGuide Open Source with mainly AutoCAD Map source data. This is a highly comprehensive municipal management application incorporating property ownership and buildings, above-ground and underground services infrastructure, base mapping, etc. with a variety of custom query and reporting tools. On-going provision of Web GIS application services from EITNL's GIS servers. (2009 - 2022).
- Development of an internal-use municipal Web GIS application, requiring secure login, for the Town of Conception Bay South, NL (pop: approx. 25,000). Using MapGuide Open Source with mainly ESRI Shape source data. In partnership with Geo-Matics Services Ltd. of Conception Bay South. This is a highly comprehensive municipal management application incorporating property ownership and buildings, above-ground and underground services infrastructure, landuse zoning, air photo imagery, base mapping, etc. with a variety of custom query and reporting tools. On-going provision of Web GIS application services from EITNL's GIS servers. (2009 - 2018).
- Consultant to the Province of NL Dept. of Transportation and Works (NLTW) GIS implementation project; in partnership with Opus International of Fredericton, NB. Developed specifications and procedures for GPS data collection of asset inventory. Developed procedures and managed a pilot project to collect road feature inventory (2007). Filled interim position with NLTW as Acting Road Inventory Coordinator. Developed production application for road inventory data collection (ESRI ArcPad and Trimble DGPS). Developed training / procedures materials and assisted in province-wide training of NLTW staff. Provided support for province-wide data collection implementation and delivery. (2006 - 2009).
- Development of a public Web GIS application for the Eastern School District of NL (ESDNL), in partnership with Geo-Matics Services Ltd. This application assists the public and staff in locating schools and linking student addresses to assigned schools for all grade levels. ESDNL administers 122 schools servicing approximately 44,000 students. Site hosting and on-going support. (2007 - 2012).
- Development of a public municipal Web GIS application for the Town of Conception Bay South, NL, in partnership with Geo-Matics Services Ltd. of Conception Bay South. On-going provision of Web GIS application services. . (2006 - 2018).
- Development of a public web information portal for Placentia Bay, NL, www.SmartBay.ca, employing a variety of data and information sources, including real-time marine meteorological and hydrographic information, and incorporating various web-mapping applications. EITNL is part of a multi-organization project team led by the School of Ocean Technology, Marine Institute of Memorial University (formerly CCMC) of St. John's, NL. (2005 - 2014).